Prior to treatment of symptomatic varicose, it is essential to undergo a venous ultrasound evaluation. A venous duplex ultrasound evaluation permits the physician to see the anatomy and to map out the underlying leg veins. Useful information is gathered to diagnose the specific vein (s) problem. After the physician makes an accurate assessment and diagnosis, an appropriate and effective customized treatment plan will be developed.
What is an ultrasound evaluation like?
After applying ultrasound gel to the leg, a handheld device is passed back and forth to evaluate the underlying veins. Sound waves sent into the leg bounce back to the handheld device whereby the attached ultrasound machine displays them as a picture on a monitor. The ultrasound evaluation is painless and usually takes between 30 and 45 minutes to complete.
Laser Treatment of Facial Veins
At Miracle Mile Vein Center, we treat facial veins with laser and/or intense pulsed light systems (IPL).
The Diode 810 nm emits a fine beam of laser light that is used to remove superficial veins on the cheeks, chin and nose. The laser light beam targets the red color of the veins, generally with little effect on the surrounding skin. Easy recovery is typical. Some patients may experience redness after treatment, although this rarely lasts more than a few hours. Bruising is unusual.
The veins, flushing and breakouts associated with rosacea can often be significantly improved with intense pulse light (IPL) treatments. This usually consists of a series of 5 treatments, done at monthly intervals. Downtime generally is a day or less of redness. Make-up can be used immediately.
Laser Treatment of Leg Veins
Sclerotherapy remains the treatment of choice for small leg veins (spider veins). By far, patients usually get better results from sclerotherapy. Sclerotherapy is also less expensive and usually less painful than laser treatment. Laser or Intense Pulse Light (IPL) treatment for spider veins is suitable for very small, or recurrent spider veins (matting). Use of concomitant sclerotherapy may enhance the results of lasers, or IPL alone. Laser therapy only treats the target vein, and does not treat the underlying feeder veins causing the problem.
Spider veins on the face are much more responsive to light based treatments, including laser and intense pulsed light therapies, than leg veins.
Ultrasound Guided Endovenous Ablation
With this technique, a safe chemical sclerosant (Sodium Tetradecyl Sulphate) is injected into the affected veins, while the doctor visually monitors the vein on an ultrasound screen. This enables treatment of veins that can't be seen because they are below the surface of the skin. The solution is sometimes made into a bubbly foam (foam sclerotherapy). Treatment takes about 15-30 minutes and is done under local anesthesia. Patients will then be asked to walk for 20 minutes right after treatment, and then for at least 1 hour per day for the next week. Compression stockings need to be worn for 1 week at least. Patients should avoid hot baths for a week, but a shower if fine the day after treatment. Patients should avoid heavy lifting or straining for a week, however, normal daily activities are fine. More than one treatment may be necessary.
Ambulatory Phlebectomy
In this procedure, the doctor removes smaller varicose veins through a series of tiny skin punctures. The patient is given local anesthesia and goes home the same day. Scarring is generally minimal. Ambulatory phlebectomy is a method of removing varicose veins. It is done in the office under local anesthesia. Tiny punctures are made in the skin through which the veins are extracted. Suturing is unnecessary and usually there is no visible scar. Most procedures take about an hour. After treatment, a compression bandage is applied and a stocking is placed over the bandage. The bandage is worn for about 3 days and the stocking for about 1 week. We ask that you walk or bike about 1 hour per day for 1 week.